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                    "EI" series of fire alarm products was named "National Quality Trustworthy Products"

                    On the “3.15” International Consumer Rights Day in 2018, China Quality Inspection Association held the theme activity of “Integrity and Commitment of Product and Service Quality”. Through the investigation and evaluation by the China Quality Inspection Association, the “National Quality Trustworthy Products” was selected and a certificate was issued.

                    The theme of this event is to “transmit quality trust, guide quality consumption, adhere to quality first, do a good job of quality improvement, adhere to quality and integrity, and build a strong quality country”. By the company's initiative to provide product and service quality integrity commitment, China Quality Inspection Association passed the investigation of the company's supervision and inspection of quality supervision and inspection departments at all levels in the past three years, the results of quality inspection and testing, and the investigation of consumer complaints. "Series of fire alarm products come to the fore and won the "National Quality Trustworthy Product".

                    After the selection process, the China Quality Inspection Association will be certified by companies in the "China Quality News", "China Consumer News" and other well-known newspapers and magazines to promote and guide consumers to guide the selection of high standards and high quality products.

                    Can be identified as "National Quality Trustworthy Products", is the consumer's "I Love" series of fire alarm products, affirmed the quality, but also to all Eli love down-to-earth, strict quality control, the constant pursuit of excellence.

                    Quality work has only a starting point, no end, quality management innovation is endless. Yi Ai Fire Company will use this as an opportunity to actively explore and innovate, and provide consumers with more quality products and satisfactory services.

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