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                    Summer fire safety tips
                    With the advent of summer, the temperature is rising, the weather is volatile, and the amount of electricity used is soaring. It is easy to cause fires and cause disasters because some details of production and life are left unattended. The following is a small series compiled for everyone summer fire safety tips related information for your reference!

                    Summer Fire Safety Tips (1)
                    ※ decoration materials should be carefully selected, brush paint away from the source of fire

                    Indoor decoration should use non-flammable or non-combustible materials, and the laying of electrical circuits should be reasonable. When painting, open doors and windows promptly, emit flammable gases, and do not smoke or use fire in the paint room. Exposed power lines should be wrapped with insulating tape to prevent leakage or short circuit.

                    ※ Fire fighting equipment is a treasure, motor vehicles are indispensable

                    In summer, motor vehicles are overloaded for a long time, engine oil is serious, and summer temperatures rise, the weather is hot, and ventilation equipment is not good. Spontaneous combustion frequently occurs. Therefore, we must pay attention to the normal maintenance and repair of vehicles, equipped with a special vehicle fire extinguisher, do not put gas lighters, air fresheners, anti-mosquito agents on the instrument panel, etc., which are likely to explode and cause fire when heated.

                    ※The electric appliance is in a panic and the power is off before the fire is extinguished

                    In the summer, there is a dramatic increase in electricity consumption. If household appliances such as televisions and induction cookers catch fire, do not splash water into the appliances. Turn off the power supply first, then use a dry powder fire extinguisher or a carbon dioxide extinguisher to extinguish the fire. The situation can also be covered by soaked bedding and other objects. Live appliances to achieve the purpose of suffocating fire.

                    ※The laying of wires must be safe

                    There are many kinds of electrical lines and laying is complicated, and anyone should not pull wires. If you need to repair or reform the circuit, you should find a professional electrician with professional qualifications. When the electrical pipeline is laid, all the wires must be protected by fire protection tubes. The bare ends of the wires must be wrapped with insulating tape to prevent fires.

                    ※The power line is often checked, and the short circuit fires

                    In summer, when it is hot and rainy, check the power lines, power connectors, and switches in production and living areas frequently. If bare, loose, or heat is found, replace them or fasten them in time. Once the power line is short-circuited and ignited, you must first pull down the switch to switch off the power, then fire again.

                    ※ Refueling and flammable, mobile phone calls closed

                    In liquefied gas stations, gas stations and other flammable and explosive places, do not use mobile phones and other communication tools, because the mobile phone signal will interfere with the dispenser when connected, resulting in inaccurate measurement, and more serious is the cell phone signal with the electronic control of oil delivery equipment resonance induction , Electronic friction, sparks from static electricity can easily detonate volatile oil and gas.

                    ※ Plastic barrels are prone to static electricity, filling gasoline is dangerous

                    When a gas station refuels a car, some drivers often prepare a plastic bucket to hold gasoline. This is very dangerous and it is strongly forbidden. Because the plastic barrel is insulated, it is easy to generate static electricity by friction with gasoline, causing sparks to cause fire.

                    ※Mosquito coil ignition temperature is high, with little attention to easy to catch fire

                    On summer nights, there are more mosquito repellent mosquitoes. When the mosquito coils are smoldering, the maximum temperature of the fire point can reach 700-800°C, and a temperature of 130°C can be reached at 1 cm around the fire point, which can ignite mosquito nets, clothes, and paper with low ignition points. Therefore, when mosquitoes are repelled, people should pay attention to putting the ignited mosquito-repellent incense on a metal stand, and place the stand in a non-combustible box, and do not put it near mosquito nets, sheets or clothes. In the use of electric mosquito repellent incense also need to be careful, pay attention to the power-on time, to prevent the use of electric heaters for too long, burned electric heaters cause a fire accident.

                    Summer Fire Safety Tips (2)
                    First, the characteristics of summer fire

                    1, hot and hot, easy to cause fire.

                    With the advent of high-temperature weather, a large number of electrical equipment such as air conditioners, refrigerators, and electric fans have increased, electrical equipment lines have been overloaded, and the insulation of the power supply has caused short-circuit sparking, or the motor's motor water has become damp, which has reduced the insulation strength. The short circuit burns the motor on fire, as well as the heating of production equipment. In summer, it is also a period of frequent automobile fires. In addition, in the hot air conditions, the slightest negligence in the production, transportation, and storage of chemical dangerous goods can cause fires.

                    2, high temperature, rapid spread, easy to form three-dimensional or large area of combustion.

                    Hot weather tends to create strong convective weather, increasing the rate at which fires develop and spread. Summer sunshine for a long time, hot and hot, less precipitation, evaporation, dry matter, dry, burning point is reduced, easy to burn in the case of fire, under the action of radiant heat, the fire will spread to neighboring buildings to form a three-dimensional or large-scale fire.

                    3, prone to lightning fire.

                    The thunderstorms increase during the hot season. The thunder and lightning generated by thunderstorms can easily cause fires such as buildings, combustible gases, and forests.

                    4. It is difficult to fight and easy to create casualties.

                    The hot weather makes it easy for the rescued person to feel restless and uneasy, and it is prone to jumps, etc. in the event of lack of timely assistance, resulting in casualties.

                    Second, the work of fire safety precautions

                    1. The rags and flammable articles used for inspection or sanitary purposes must be promptly recovered and disposed of. If they are arbitrarily placed under high temperature conditions, they are prone to fire.

                    2. High-risk items should be preserved and stored according to safety regulations, and inspections and cleaning should be carried out regularly to cut off the fire source and provide timely ventilation as required.

                    3, the aging of the wire, cable and the possibility of fire, explosion of the machinery to carry out safety inspections on time, to replace the equipment must be resolutely replaced, can not be lost, flammable products away from the wire and cable.

                    4. Strengthen the safety management of fire-fighting facilities, improve the maintenance and inspection system of fire-fighting facilities, and ensure that the fire-fighting facilities are in good condition.

                    5. Conduct timely summer special fire safety inspections for office areas, installation areas, and item storage areas.

                    6, strictly implement the fire safety management procedures.

                    7. Lightning activities in the summer are frequent, and special inspections of mine activities are carried out regularly to ensure the completeness of major hazard sources, equipment and buildings leading to zero grounding facilities, and to effectively prevent the effects of lightning.
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