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                    Headline:Guesting on documentary [Glory behind the scenes],EI FIRE showed its outstanding strength on CCTV once again!

                    HeadlineGuesting on documentary [Glory behind the scenes]EI FIRE showed its outstanding strength on CCTV once again

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                    As a pioneer in Smart Fire field,EI FIRE was shown on CCTV for the second time,not  long from its first amazing appearance on CCTV in early 2019.

                    And This time EI FIRE guested on “Glory behind the scenes‘——a chapter of large documentary Across Chinafilmed by CCTV4.

                    The second episode : The Cornerstone of Communication

                    The application of Fire protection+5Gis an unstoppable trend in the upcoming era of 5G

                    EI FIRE wireless smoke detectors

                    As a leading product for fire protection utilizing IoT technology in 5G era,EI cloud demonstrated how to apply 5G technology of IoT on all the data from fire protection facilities to realize the goals of real-time monitoring, and the autogeneration of fire solutions in this documentary.

                    Feng Yong is demonstrating who is the chief engineer of EI FIRE

                    Undoubtedly, EI FIRE has earned a great honor for its capability of utilizing the advanced technology of “5G+IoT” to protect the fire safety of thousands of families and the society in the upcoming 5G era.

                    Related reading: About the documentary-[Glory behind the scenes]

                          This 5-episode documentary is based on real people and true stories, it showed the struggling but fruitful process that how the R&D personnel of CETi learnd and imitated from new technologies , then digested and absorbed;till realizing the independent design and innovation, finally successfully created  dozens of high-end electronic test core technologies which are praised as China’s No.1 and the world’s No.1 ,and created a new national business card for China's electronic test equipment.

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